Crystal's chemical composition, SiO2 often with CO2, H2O, NaCi, CaCO3, such as gas-liquid inclusions, in the composition of MnO, Fe2O3 and organic impurities will appear colorless crystal colors. Shape, three of the Fang Jing, a prism-like crystals, a cylindrical cross striations, the nature多见beautiful crystal Cocooning. Physical properties, hardness 7, the proportion of 2.65, glass shiny, transparent without cleavage, of piezoelectric. My company's high-quality crystal powder by the Brazilian imports from the processing of natural crystal stone, SiO2 content was high, low levels of impurities, type: Zishui Jing, crystal white, green, crystal, yellow crystals, mainly from the production of grain size:10um-0.1um, mainly for health care products, chemicals, nail, cosmetics, paints, handicrafts, electronics and other industries. |